This web site and magazine are the brainchild of Deanna Troupe & Robert Briseno, who are the founders and owners of BB&B Business Group – the publishers of Local Happenings magazine. The idea was born from our work with various non-profits and our desire to find an inexpensive, effective and simple way to advertise various events that those organizations held. None of the groups had the man power or funding to create an online calendar or be able to drive traffic to the site to make it effective. In looking at that need we decided to fill it and local happenings was born. A place to advertise events for free that would be available both online and in print. With the help of some friends and family members local happenings came to life and is rapidly growing.
Our goal is to help provide a place to learn about and advertise events of all sizes. More importantly we would like to help connect the community more effectively and provide a place to learn about the things that are going on around us, so that we can all enjoy life a bit more. We welcome your comments and suggestions. We expect this site and our magazine to evolve and grow with the demands of the community, so please visit often.