Page 19 - February-March_2020_Local_Happenings
P. 19

unparalleled collection of  Civic Dr., (925) 943-5852.
      aloes, including hybrids not
      found anywhere else in the  The      Adventures     of
      world.  2/15,  10-11  a.m.,  Goldilocks and Little Red
      $25-30, The Ruth Bancroft  Once Upon a  Time:  A
      Garden, 1552 Bancroft Rd.,  cleverly tuneful combination
      (925) 944-9352.              of two favorites come alive
                                   when Little Red Riding Hood
      2020  Orchestra  &  Band  and  Goldilocks  get  more
      on the Run:  Funds  are  than they bargained for when
      used  by  the  Northgate  they change places for a day.
      Instrumental Music Boosters  3/5, 9:30 a.m., $14, Lesher     You’re Retired.
      (NIMB) to buy and repair  Center for the Arts, 1601
      musical instruments, fund  Civic Dr.,      Your Money Isn’t.
      transportation, pay entry fees
      to music festivals, purchase  Diablo             Trails
      music  scores, and  subsidize  Challenge     50K/Half
      other    vitally  necessary  Marathon/10K/5K:      This       To learn why
      purchases.  2/28,  7-11  p.m.,  race  provides  distances     consolidating your
      $50+,    Boundary     Oaks   suitable for everyone, from
      Country Clubhouse, 3800  those hitting the trails for         retirement accounts to
      Valley  Vista  Rd.,  NIMB,  the first time to experienced
      (925) 278-4108.              ultra-runners.  A  portion  of   Edward Jones makes
                                   all entry fees will go to Save   sense, contact your
      Faces of Wildlife Gala: Get  Mount Diablo to help them
      up close and personal with  continue preserving open          Edward Jones financial
      amazing animal ambassadors,  space. 4/11, 7 a.m., $48-
      enjoy a gourmet meal and  125, Diablo Trails Challenge,       advisor today.
      fine wine and bid on exciting  1700 Castle Rock Rd.,
      live and silent auctions. All
      proceeds benefit Lindsay’s
      wildlife   hospital    and
      education programs. 2/29,                                                     Ken Casper, CFP®
      6-10 p.m., $200+, Lindsay                                                     Financial Advisor
      Wildlife Experience, 1931                  Yountville
      First Ave., (925) 935-1978.  Beatles vs Stones - A Musical                    555 First St Ste 104
                                   Showdown:  The Fab Four,                         Benicia, CA 94510
      Pancake Breakfast:  Come  represented by tribute band        IRT-4395D-A      707-745-8133
      and enjoy the best pancake  Abbey  Road  will  engage
      breakfast in town. This  in a barrage of hits against
      popular event plays host  premier      Rolling   Stones           
      to families large and small,  tribute band Satisfaction.                    M   e m b    r e SIPC
      grandparents and friends  2/16,  7-9  p.m.,  $35-65,
      alike. 3/1, 4/5, 9 a.m.-noon,  Napa Valley Performing Arts
      $3,  Civic  Park  Community  Center, 100 California Dr.,
      Center’s  Social  Hall,  1375  (707) 944-9900.                                                                             Feb/Mar             17
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