Page 28 - February-March_2020_Local_Happenings
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2 0 2 0  L o c a l  Hap peni n gs  L o c a l ’ s  Ch o i ce:                                                              2 0 2 0  L o c a l  Hap peni n gs  L o c a l ’ s  Ch o i ce:

                                          Health Care                                                                                                     Business Services

                    Na p a                             So l a no                      Co n tr a  Co s ta                                      Na p a                               So l a no                    Co n tr a  Co s ta

               NAPA SOLANO                    NATURAL HEALTH AND                       BODY LOVE CAFÉ                                          RSA+                          EDWARD JONES                    MORELLO ACCOUNTING
             PLASTIC SURGERY                 WELLNESS CENTER, INC.                                                                                                                                                     GROUP
                                                                                   Functional Medicine is a cutting-edge approach to   RSA+ is a consulting civil engineering and   Everyone needs a little advice from time to time,
          Napa Solano Plastic Surgery offers patients access   Maintaining health is even more challenging   health care that combines modern scientific research   surveying company that has served the Northern   and that is what Ken Casper CFP® Financial Advisor   For everything from financial assessments to set
        to a state-of-the-art treatment center, the latest   in today’s world with the chemicals, metals, and   and clinical wisdom to get to the ROOT CAUSE   California region since 1980. They pride themselves   specializes in. Since 2001, Ken has been working   up, clean up, training, conversions, bookkeeping, and
        technology in plastic surgery, and a highly trained   radiation that we’re exposed to in our foods,   of the chronic illnesses so many of us face. This   in their approach to projects, coming from both   diligently to help individuals and businesses navigate   all accounting functions, readers have decided that
        staff whose main goal is your comfort and enhanced   lifestyle, and environment. Valerie Ozsu opened   includes thyroid health, sleep issues, stress, weight   an innovative   their finances. Ken, his Branch Office Administrator   Morello Accounting Group Inc. is the best place in
                              appearance.    Natural Health, and Wellness Center, Inc. because   issues, hormone imbalances, gut health, blood sugar      and practical   Carla Williams, and Senior Branch Office   the county for helping to assist you in timely financial
                                 Napa Solano   she wanted to incorporate her 42 years in advanced   dysregulation, brain fog, mood disorders, chronic     perspective.   Administrator Chris Simonson, provide their clients   reporting so that you can make sound business
                               Plastic Surgery   nursing, kinesiology and nutritional education   pain and more—it’s a whole-body, holistic health          Composed   with great customer service.         decisions.
                               is a repeat   to design individualized programs to help men,   approach.                                                   of a team of   Edward Jones has also been recognized nationally   By embracing technology, Morello Accounting
                               winner of this   women, and children. Her restorative medicine   At Body Love Cafe you’ll find a team of                   innovators and   by J.D. Power and Associates in March 2019 as   Group Inc. allows the opportunity to create
                               prestigious   practice seeks to find the cause, and discover how to   practitioners that works collaboratively including   leaders, RSA+   “Highest in Investor Satisfaction with Full-Service   efficiencies, transparency, as well as accurate, timely
                               award, and one   reverse a person’s illness, rather than just recognizing   doctors, body workers, and health coaches. Their   customizes   Brokerage Firms,” and won the prestigious President’s   financial reporting as aforementioned.
                               of the reasons   and treating the symptoms as in traditional medical   menu of services includes Functional Medicine,      preparation of                     Award in 2016 for   “Morello Accounting Group Inc. will provide
                               why is that   practices. Dynamics in illness and healing requires   nutrition, Chinese                                     their plans and                      its commitment   training to client staff, or provide services to achieve
                               from your first   that a person understands how to reverse the   Medicine,                                                 specifications to                    to excellence   their desired results,” said CEO and President Diana
                               consultation   cause(s) of their disease whether it be nutritional,   physical therapy,                                   meet requirements                     in customer   Morello. “We care about our clients and providing
                              through your   physical, emotional or any combination of these.     chiropractic,                   and facilitate a timely, successful review.                  service. In J.D.   the highest level of service possible; feedback is
        recovery and follow-up, Dr. William McClure   Valerie’s mission is to educate, reverse health   acupuncture,                Noting their established company infrastructure,           Power’s 40-year   important for us to accomplish your goals.”
        and Dr. Brian Klink put your wellbeing first. They   challenges, and promote longevity without or in   therapeutic        breadth of experience, wide-ranging capabilities,            history, only   Morello Accounting Group Inc. specializes in the
        make sure you get the quality medical care and   conjunction with a person’s medical care. She is very   massage,         innovative philosophy and personal approach                  11 companies   QuickBooks accounting software—desktop and
        personal attention that you deserve. We recognize   knowledgeable in hormone balancing for men and   reposturing,         to business, RSA+ is ready and able to provide               have received   online—utilizing
        the importance of a state-of-the-art treatment center,   women, utilizes hair analysis, a variety of specialized   non-invasive   consulting services to help guide your project’s     the award.   integrated
        which utilizes the latest technology and backed   labs, thermography (a non-radiation form of   allergy care,             challenges. Their goal is to leave an “indelible             In July 2018,   third-party
        by our dedicated staff. The most exciting aspect of   breast cancer screening), and she recently added   holistic fertility,   impression” of a positive experience for you, the client.   Edward Jones   applications
        our approach is the way these elements are brought        neurofeedback   energy medicine                                   The consulting civil engineers, surveyors, and land   ranked No. 5 on the “50 Companies that Care” by   (if necessary)
        together to provide a comforting experience and more        in her clinic.    & emotional                                 planners at RSA+ can make countless dreams come   People Magazine. The honor recognizes outstanding   for providing
        importantly, quality results.                                In addition,   wellness, pelvic floor therapy, weight loss programs   true. For example, they’ve worked on many vineyard   companies that have succeeded in business while   consistently
          The doctors of Napa Solano Plastic Surgery have            she works   and more.                                        and winery projects over the years. From pre-property   also demonstrating respect, compassion, and   accurate and
        been providing plastic and reconstructive surgery care       with clients   All their practitioners are not just tending to   purchase consultations to final inspections, they   concern for their communities, their employees, and   timely results.
        to Northern California patients since 1984. They             on allergy   symptoms, but looking “upstream” and asking,    helped B Cellars Winery become what it is today.   their environment. In the February 2019 Fortune   If you’re
        have offices in Napa, Vacaville, and Sonoma.                 clearing,   “Why is this happening?” Each practitioner works   They worked with Quintessa Winery to obtain   Magazine issue, for the 20th year, Edward Jones also   in need of
          Napa Solano Plastic Surgery surgeons are certified         reversing   to initiate change at the source of the problem,   permit approval for a 50,000-case winery. RSA+ was   was named as one of the “100 Best Companies to   accounting
        by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and are             diabetes,   employing a wide variety of western and eastern   also called to assist in the permitting, design, and   Work For” in the magazine’s annual listing.  services, you
        members of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.          hypertension,   techniques. Their holistic model looks at the   construction of Ovid Winery’s 35-acre vineyard and   Sit down with Ken and learn why they have   might want to contact Diana, as you have nothing
        To ensure patient safety, we have a nationally certified     lipidemia,   physical body along with mind, emotion and spirit   20,000-gallons-per-year winery.   developed such a loyal group of clients.  to lose! “Morello Accounting Group Inc. offers
        operating facility in both the Napa and Vacaville           thyroid disease,   components.                                  Other projects have included work at Oxbow   555 First St., Benicia, CA, 94510  a complimentary, one-hour, initial consultation
        offices. The MediSpa in downtown Napa is nationally       and digestion    They are committed to educating the public     Market, Napa Riverfront, hotels like the Westin                           by phone to exchange information regarding
        certified as well. You can see why this office was   issues. Valerie also designs individual detoxification   on “how” their body works so they may feel   Verasa and the two separate but adjacent 100-unit   (707) 745-8133  client business requirements and the services we
        selected as the Local’s Choice!      and purification programs using only organic   empowered in their health and have more productive   hillside resorts of Meritage and Vino Bello.  provide,” she said. “To schedule your complimentary
                                             whole food supplements, herbs, homeopathies and   conversations with all their health care providers. To   If you like to dream big, RSA+ can help make that   appointment email me at diana.Morello@
        1175 Trancas St., Napa, CA, 94558    treatments including: PEMF, Cold Laser, infrared   that end, they offer free classes and a free weight loss   dream a reality.                       ”
        (707) 285-6053                       saunas, and foot detox baths.       plus hormone-balancing challenge a few times a year.                                                                         And to all of our readers, Diana said, “Thank you         Feel free to join Valerie at her free community   While most clinics charge $1,000 for this service,   1515 4th St., Napa, CA, 94559                           for taking the time to vote!”
                                             workshops, or learn for yourself by visiting Valerie’s   they provide it for free and include meal plans and   (707) 252-3301                                  1250-I Newell Ave. #131,
                                             new website and reading about her services:   optional weigh-ins and support group meetings.
                                    Schedule an   Visit to learn additional                                                                   Walnut Creek, CA, 94596
                                             evaluation and discover why so many of Valerie’s   information about Functional Medicine, the BLC                                                              (925) 708-5578
                                             patients are so excited about how much better they   Team, and our diverse menu of services!                                                         
                                             feel, and the progress they have made in improving   3093 Citrus Circle Ste 125,
                                             their health and wellbeing.
                                                                                 Walnut Creek, CA, 94598
                                             524 Merchant St., Ste A,            (925) 788-6300
                                             Vacaville, CA, 95688      
                                             (707) 474-9670

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