Page 34 - Oct.Nov PDF For Flipbook
P. 34
Protection and Prosperity:
How to Invest &
Insure Your Future
It’s funny, if you talk to kids and ask them what they Brandy and Patricia met while
would like to be when they grow up, you will hear them working for the Foresters, a
say, teacher, policeman, fireman, nurse or doctor. I per- Fraternal Insurance company.
sonally do not know of anyone with the intention of being Brandy had been an insur-
in the insurance and financial field as they were growing ance agent and Registered
up, but after reading this article that may change! Brandy Representative since 1988 and
de Grassi and Patricia Krango of Protection & Prosperity Patricia had joined the com-
Inc. found themselves in this very field. This duo has pany as a Recruiting Director
found this work to be very gratifying, knowing that they in 1999. When the two ladies
make a difference in people’s lives. Sure, it is heartbreak- met, they immediately formed
ing they said, when they deliver a death claim check or a great friendship and soon
set up disability payments for someone that can no lon- found they shared a passion for
ger work, but meeting with people and giving them the community volunteerism. Brandy
correct advice about their unique needs, well, when that and Patricia have spearheaded many
unexpected event happens, they feel good that they’ve causes—they helped raise funds for
helped people to be able to weather those bad times. college scholarships, raised money