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If we can teach kids as young as four years old
                                                                          about cooking and nutrition, they have those life
                                                                          skills forever.”

                                                                          Chef Lynda first began Cooking With Kids in
                                                                          1997 when she taught after school classes at the
                                                                          local parks and recreation department. “My own
                                                                          kids always knew about food and how to cook
                                                                          for themselves. They knew how to choose the
                                                                          right foods. As they grew up and went to college,
                                                                          I started realizing that not everyone received that
                                                                          same basic education. The kids who were properly
                                                                          nourished tended to have clearer minds and make
                                                                          better decisions including staying in school and
                                                                          staying off drugs and alcohol.” And so, in 2010,
                                                                          Cooking With Kids Foundation became a non-
                                                                          profit organization dedicated to giving children
Having seen the statistics skyrocket, with 1 in 3 children suffering the tools with which to live longer, healthier lives.
from childhood obesity and a large percentage with diseases like Type
2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even things like scurvy, Cooking Beyond just preparing a dish, Chef Lynda’s students also learn other
With Kids Foundation founder Chef Lynda Rexroat knew the nation essential kitchen and life skills. “We learn how to wash our hands and
had a real problem. “Eighteen years ago, I noticed that obesity and how to hold and use knives. We learn how to make shopping lists and
diabetes was a problem. Then a few more years passed and I noticed it how to identify ingredients in the super market. We learn how to read
was an epidemic. Now it is a full blown pandemic,” says Chef Lynda, a recipe and measure and mix and chop. We learn the differences in
an East Bay native. And there is no magical formula to determine if    herbs and spices and what their uses might be. We even learn proper
someone is at risk. “I’ve seen highly educated and wealthy people with sfooomdetshtoinraggdee*tloicpioreuvseanntdspnouitlarigteiooursftoooedabto. rTnheeilklnidesssl,oavlel  while   cooking
these problems and I’ve seen impoverished people with these problems.                                                                                                        it and  I love it

FREE!Health education is important. What we feed ourselves is important.
                                                                       too. I sleep very well at night,” she says. And when the dish is finished,
                                                                       Chef Lynda has her students draw pictures of the recipes they prepared
                                                                       as well as the ingredients to help them identify the dish or ingredient
NOW OPEN                                                               in future. “At the end of a class, parents frequently stand in stunned
in Napa!!                                                              silence watching their children eat items they swear the children won’t
                                                                       eat. When it is fresh and delicious and they have a connection to how
                                                                       it was grown and prepared, all-of-a-sudden their children love things
                                                                       like salad and Brussels sprouts. It’s very rewarding,” she says.
                                                                       The Cooking With Kids Foundation’s curriculum is very comprehen-
                                                                       sive and includes a lot of information, but at a pace and in a form
                                                                       that is easy for children to digest. The CWKF curriculum includes
1453 W. Imola Ave.                                                     things like sample shopping lists, coloring and drawing pages for var-
                                                                       ious ingredients, correct knife-holding technique, recipes, photos of


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